Danube Water Centre
Danube Learning Partnership
The provision of water and wastewater services is essential for the people of the Danube region. Although the region has generally a high level of basic access to water and sanitation services, the effectiveness and efficiency of those services does not always meet international standards. A recent regional review (State of the Sector report, World Bank, 2015) identified consistent challenges in a number of the countries in the region regarding the capacity of professional staff working in the sector. In part this is due to staff and management turnover following political changes, and in part due to limited professional development and training opportunities. The Danube Learning Partnership (D-LeaP) is designed as a regional, integrated and sustainable capacity building initiative of national water utility associations and IAWD and will provide a comprehensive curriculum to the staff of water and wastewater utilities located in the Danube region.
The primary target audience of D-LeaP programs consists of the water and wastewater utility companies of the countries in the Danube region and their management and technical staff. Out of the 17 countries that are covered by D-LeaP, utilities in 12 countries are expected to have a particular interest in D-LeaP programs based on the level of development of their utility sector: those are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine.