Analytical and Advisory Work

Analytical and Advisory services under the Danube Water Program aim to develop and/or consolidate existing knowledge to improve understanding of challenges and emerging opportunities for the water sector in the Danube region. These activities aim to engage in an informed policy dialogue and to provide advice on reform agendas to water sector stakeholders and decision makers in the countries of the region. 

In 2015, the World Bank undertook a State of the Sector review of water and wastewater services in the Danube region, which became the analytical flagship report of the World Bank under the Program. The report was updated in 2018 (State of the Sector 2018 Update) and identifies areas that require further studies to better inform policy dialogue in the region and have been addressed through new analytical work financed under the Danube Water Program. This work includes the study on the challenges of Wastewater Management, water and sanitation services in rural areas (Beyond Utility Reach), utility agglomeration (Joining Forces for Better Services), and a Modern Utility Workforce.  

Recent additional analytical pieces include a COVID Assessment, the Water Security Diagnostics Initiative, and a Drought Risk Assessment

National Level Support is offered through country visits to conduct close policy dialogue. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned analytical pieces, regional and national advisory activities support specific policy dialogue and advice to WSS institutions about how to modernize the sector, often in parallel with existing World Bank engagements.  

National activities from Phase I-IV are included in the map below indicating the topic of support provided in each country. For in-depth knowledge consult the respective Workplans of each Phase.  


 Danube Water Program 2019-2021 Work Plan (Phase IV)

 Danube Water Program 2019-2021 Work Plan (Phase III)

 Danube Water Program 2016-2018 Work Plan (Phase II)

Danube Water Program 2013-2015 Work Plan (Phase I)