
The Danube Learning Partnership (D-LeaP) is legally formed as a committee of IAWD with governance from national water utility associations. To deliver its multiple programs in various countries, D-LeaP relies on several types of key actors with different roles and responsibilities.


The operating model of the Danube Learning Partnership

The D-LeaP Committee Council consists of nominated representatives of partnering national water utility associations and IAWD and has the overall responsibility to develop and implement the capacity building programs under D-LeaP.

D-LeaP is managed by the D-LeaP Secretariat, whereas the staff is provided by IAWD.

Associates of D-LeaP are the Technical Partners and the Hubs. Technical Partners develop and improve the training material and tools used in the programs and train the trainers in the start-up phase of D-LeaP. Hubs are the visible face of D-LeaP for active participants as they have the primary capacity building delivery responsibility.