Detecting and managing COVID-19 in sanitary wastewater
Organizer: IAWD and World Bank

The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a threat to the health of people, but also a challenge for the water technology professionals and operators of wastewater infrastructure. This webinar is bringing some of the leading wastewater technology experts from the water technology institutes and academia, to present findings and solutions for challenges of tracking and managing presence of COVID-19 in sanitary wastewaters.

The learning objective of this webinar is to increase the understanding and knowledge of how most recent developments in wastewater technology can help in better managing the global COVID–19 pandemic and mitigating its impact in wastewater systems. Via the input provided by the panelists the webinar will allow participants to gain a provisional overview on the knowledge and technological advances developed during pandemics, and potential approaches to make the best use for the protection of public health. During the webinar it will be possible to post questions to the panelists in order to deepen the understanding and to learn from the knowledge developed and experiences gained for potential follow-up action under the individual specific circumstances.


Start date 24 Jun 2020

Language English
Contributed by Voice of the Danube
Webinar summary (English)