Using Data for Improving Performance
Organizer: New IBNet

Water and Sanitation service providers today face significant operational challenges, demands for their services are increasing, yet at the same time performance improvements are often limited by major gaps in financing.

There are opportunities for improvements that are available at no or little cost – but to identify and implement those will depend on proactive use of data on performance and management practices.

The International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation (IBNET) is looking to open such opportunities for performance improvements – and therefore a broad re-design of the data platform and the associated partnership has been launched.

Join the webinar and discuss with leaders in water and sanitation real-life experiences on:

  • How to improve performance based on data-driven decision making
  • Lessons from Kenya, Mexico and Argentina, Romania, and Zambia
  • How NEW IBNET can be of help to your organization 

Start date 21 Dec 2021 , 15:00 CET

Language English
WebsiteEvent link
Contributed by Voice of the Danube