Course / Training
Summer Academy of the Bavarian Environmental Administration 2022
Organizer: Bavarian Environment Agency Special Unit Technology Transfer Water – TTW

The Summer Academy is a two-weeks educational program in environmental management consisting of theoretical introduction and practical illustration.

Aim of this seminar tool is to deliver insights into the structure and organization of the Bavarian environmental administration, the legal basis, the course of approval and participation procedures as well as the state of the art for reduction of emissions into the environment.

While theoretical trainings are delivered in the mornings, an excursion program usually follows in the afternoon.

In order to convey the social function of our nature, bicycles are made available to the participants for individual use; part of the excursion program are joint bike rides.

The cost for participating in the Summer Academy are fully covered. The TTW calls young engineers from Balkan countries to apply for a free seat! Please review the documents below for further information!

City/LocationHof, Germany

Start date 18 Jul 2022
End date 29 Jul 2022

Language English
WebsiteEvent link
Contributed by Voice of the Danube
Call to apply (English)
Agenda (English)
Application (English)