Conference / Workshop, DWC/DWF
2024 Danube Water Forum
Organizer: IAWD and World Bank

The 2024 Danube Water Forum "Riding the wave: Water Sector Innovations for a new Climate Reality" will convene on 29 and 30 May, 2024 in in the city of Brasov, back to back with back to back with a Board meeting of the International Water Association (IWA) as well as the annual UBP Danube Hub workshop and several business meetings.  

The Forum is organised by the Danube Water Program, run by IAWD and the World Bank, and co-funded by the Austrian Government, in cooperation with the Utility of the Future – Center of Excellence. Local hosts of the event are IAWD members Compania Apa Brasov and the Romanian Water Association, ARA.

Water and climate change are inextricably linked. Extreme weather events are making water more scarce, more unpredictable, more polluted or all three. These impacts throughout the water cycle threaten sustainable development, biodiversity, and people’s access to water and sanitation. Water and wastewater utilities in the Danube region suffer from high energy costs, an aging workforce, a constant under investment into the sector, all while adapting to a new climate reality.

The Danube Water Conference will focus on the impact of a changing climate on the region’s water sector with sessions exploring recent developments and their effects on utilities and highlighting best practice examples how to face them. The conference's objective is to foster cooperation and knowledge exchange to tackle the emerging challenges faced by the Danube region's water sector.

The Forum will draw more than 150 senior water professionals and provide sufficient opportunities to network and make valuable connections. 

The Forum's language will be English with translation into Romanian. Only physical participation will be possible. 

Forum Venue

The venue is the Hotel Kronwell  (7 Garii BVD, Brasov, 500203, Brasov. The building is located in walking distance to Brasov's main train station and located a short bus ride from the city center. 

The airport of Brasov is only served by a limited number of airlines. For international guests of the Forum, we suggest to travel via Bucharest, which can be reached by several airlines and to continue to Brasov via train or shuttle. The logistic guidelines will inlcude detailed information and will be made available with the beginning of the official registration.

Call for Poster Submissions

The Danube Water Program encourages the submission of an outline paper to present a poster presentation in a dedicated poster session on 29 May.

Thematic scope for Outline Papers

The Forum programme will cover the following themes: Climate crisis and it's impact on the water sector; Utility management and operation; Integrated water management and planning; and Governance and policy. Contributions are sought inline with the outlined themes (and related to the sessions outlined in the Agenda) on best practice, applied research, policy developments and solutions relating to challenges faced by water professionals in the Danube region and can incorporate in particular the following topics: Circular economy, Climate smart approaches to water and sanitation, Digital transformation, Innovation in technology and policy, Nature-based solutions in water services, Inclusiveness and equality.

How to submit an Outline Paper

To submit a proposal, please use the template available here. Your initial submission must be in the form of an outline paper: 1-2 A4 pages of text (max. 1,000 words) plus up to two additional pages of tables/figures. The outline paper must persuasively summarise your proposed presentation and shall be submitted to before 15 April 2024.  

How are submissions selected?

Your submitted proposal will be peer reviewed by the Danube Water Program team. Presenters will be notified of acceptance / rejection by 30 April 2024. Selected poster presenters will be required to register as a paying delegate, who are eligible for a discounted registration fee. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Registration Process and Fees 

We thank our institutional partners and conference supporters who help us to make this meeting possible and keep admission fees affordable. We are able to offer you a two-day ticket for €260, with a discount for members of IAWD.

Type of participant Fee
Regular Attendee 260€
IAWD Member (Utility/Association) 195€
IAWD Member (Institution) 221€
Regular Presenter  195€
Invited Presenter  0€

Members as well as  presenters will receive a Discount Code via email, which shall be applied during the registration process. 

All registrations for Romanian residents and companies will be handled by ARA, please contact if you wish to participate. 

The fee includes participation in the Danube Water Forum including two social events as well as lunch and coffee breaks. Please note that the registration to the conference does not include travel or accommodation.

To confirm your participation, please register by 16 May 2024 by clicking the "Register" button on this page. Further information on the registration process can be found in the "How to Register Guide" under the links below.

If, for any reason, you would like to join the Forum, but the registration fee prevents you from doing so, please reach out to us ( and we will try our best to accommodate on an exceptional basis. 

Conference Dinner

Next to interesting presentations and professional networking, the Danube Water Forum will also include opportunities for participants to enjoy themselves and socialize with fellow “water people” in a nice atmosphere.

The Conference Dinner will be hosted at the Belvedere Restaurant overlooking the city of Brasov: On May, 29 after the opening of the Forum, participants are invited to join for an evening of good food and drinks, music and wonderful views. 

When registering, please tick the box for the Dinner, included in your registration fee, to reserve your seat.

Hotel booking

Please note that the Danube Water Forum organizers have pre-booked a number of rooms in different hotels close to the conference venue. More information about suitable hotels and deadlines for booking the rooms is available in the Logistical Guidelines Document provided via the Pre-Event files further down.

Why visit Brasov 

„In the center of Romania, there is Brașov City, a harmonious mixture of traditional charm and city modern life. You can go by double decker around the city in order to orientate or to admire the buildings, and then you can descend for sneaking on Sforii Street, the narrowest street in Europa”.

Tripadvisor (Brașov, rank 21)

In the Middle Ages, the city of Brașov was one of the most important towns in Transylvania, as well as an economical fortress in the period of XIV – XVI centuries. It was founded by the saxon colonists and the town was populated by 3 different communities: Romanians, Hungarians and Saxons.

The city’s architecture is composed by an impressive fusion of styles and ages. The Brașov’s Fortress, surrounded by massive walls, it is a historical testimony for the medieval age and is home for historical buildings well preserved.

Founded in 1948, Transylvania University is one of largest universities in Romania, with 18 depratmens and a total of 20.000 students per year. 

Without a doubt, the Bran Castle is one of the most popular visiting places nearby Brașov and a delight for tourists from around the world. It is popular abroad for the Dracula’s legend, the fictive character from the novel written by Bram Stocker. There are over 1 million visitors in Bran Castle last year.


Session 1
2024 Danube Water Forum Opening Session

29 May,15:00 - 16:30

Mr. Raimund Mair, Senior Water Resource Management Specialist, DWP Program Leader, World Bank, Austria

Dr. Katerina Schilling, Head of Secretariat, IAWD, Austria

Welcome words from the Austrian Ministry of Finance 
Dr. Elisabeth Gruber, Director for International Financial Institutions, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria

Welcome words from the World Bank
Dr. Winston Yu, Practice Manager, Water, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Austria

Welcome words from IAWD
Mr. Walter Kling, IAWD President, Austria

Welcome words from the DWF Hosts
Mr. Teodor Popa, COO, APA Brasov, Romania

Welcome words from the DWF Hosts
Dr. Ilie Vlaicu, President, Romanian Water Association, Romania

Welcome words from the romanian local authorities
Mr. Serban Todorica-Constantin, President, Brasov County Council, Romania

Welcome words from IWA
Mr. Tom Mollenkopf AO, Director and Independent Advisor, President and Board Member, International Water Association, UK

Water Sector Innovations for a new Climate Reality
Mr. Kala Vairavamoorthy, CEO, International Water Association, UK

Framing the debate (panelist discussion including electronic voting to engage the audience)

Moderated by Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr, Senior Expert, Austria

Dr. Kala Vairavamoorthy, CEO, International Water Association, UK


Dr. Winston Yu, Practice Manager, Water, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Austria


Mr. Gheorghe Constantin, Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Romania


Ms. Vera Eiro, Vice President, WAREG, Italy


Ms. Elsa Belba, YWP, Albania


Launch of Waterwise EU campaign
Mr. Emil Andersen, Head of Unit, European Commission/ DG Environment, Belgium


Session 2
Networking and Poster Session

29 May, 16:30 - 18:00

Ms. Antonia Püspök, Community Manager, IAWD

Vasilije Matijasevic, YWP, Serbia

Development of an in situ method for the removal of microplastics from the aquatic environment
Dr. Ula Rozman, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia

Predicting the future of hydrological systems

Jan Kwiatkowski, DHI, Denmark

Forecasting Discharge with E04AI along the Danube River

Mariana Damova, Mozaika, Bulgaria

Assessing the applicability of the MARRMoT Toolbox for continuous rainfall-runoff modeling of small Hungarian catchments

Klaudia Negyesi, University of Budapest, Hungary

Untapped and Free: Your data allows comparisons
on performance for effective management

Ana Badhofer, IAWD, Austria

Session 3
Setting the Scene: The Sector's challenges in a new climate reality

30 May, 09:00 - 10:30

Dr. Winston Yu, Practice Manager, Water, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Austria

Dr. Ula Rozman, YWP, Slovenia

Agile policy and institutional analysis and innovative regulatory models to boost sector reform
Mr. Camilo Lombana Cordoba, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank, U.S.

Session 4 and 5
Circling the drain - Trends in wastewater treatment, water reuse and circular economy

30 May, 11:15 - 13:15

Dr. Enkelejda Gjinali, Lecturer, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania

Ms. Elsa Belba, YWP, Albania

Water in a Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) Framework
Dr. Diego Juan Rodriguez, Lead Economist, World Bank

Turning wastewater into a resource - the example of Skopje
Ms. Lindita Sakiri, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia

Flowing with Nature: Sustainable Wastewater Solutions for small settlements
Ms. Alenka Zalznik, Project Manager, Limnos, Slovenia

Swiss experience quaternary treatment of wastewater
Mr. Simon Bitterwolf, position, EAWAG, Switzerland

Water reuse contributing to urban service water - the case of Madinaty WWTP
Mr. Erwin Moetz, Romania

Feasibility study in support of future policy developments of the Sewage Sludge Directive
Dr. Lukas Egle, Joint Research Center, Spain

Session 6
Be prepared - Proactive management of water resources in a changing climate

30 May, 11:15 - 12:15

Ms. Kathia Havens, Program Analyst, World Bank, Austria

Jakub Sochor, YWP, Czech Republic

Innovative managing of water resources from a supply perspective - the example of REWAG
Dr. Robert Greb, Chairman of the Board Regensburger Energie- und Wasserversorgung AG & Co KG (REWAG), Germany

What the Future Has in Store: A New Paradigm for Water Storage
Ms. Eileen Burke, Lead Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank, U.S.

Session 7
Maximizing revenue - Minimizing loss: Strategies for climate resilient water service delivery

30 May, 12:15 - 13:15

Mr. Stjepan Gabric, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank, Austria

Ms. Klaudia Negyesi, YWP, Hungary

Challenges and Opportunities to tackle Non-Revenue Water in Bulgaria
Ivan Ivanov, President Bulgarian Water Association, Bulgaria

Navigating Water Loss & Enhancing Resilience in Croatia
Ms. Vesna Grizelj Simic, Deputy Director, Hidroprojekt-Ing d.o.o., Croatia

Session 8
Why work with water - Creative ways to engage and grow talent

30 May,14:45 - 15:45

Ms. Elisabeta Poci, Association Development Manager, IAWD

Ms. Monika Sabic Runjavec, YWP

Exploring options & strategies to attract young talents into water sector
Mr. Camilo Lombana Cordoba, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank, U.S.

Personal reflections on navigating the water sector workforce as a young female engineer

Ms. Fjolla Lasku, Head of Waste Water Treatment Plant, KRU "Gjakova" SH.A, Kosovo

Attracting and retaining young talent – the example of Apa Brasov
Mr. Teodor Popa, Financial Manager, APA Brasov, Romania

Session 9
Back to the future - New approaches and technologies for sustainable utility management

30 May,14:45 - 15:45

Mr. Radoslav Russev, UMT Coordinator, Wadata, Bulgaria

Mr. Christian Gradwohl, YWP, Austria

Utility of the Future: Igniting processes, transformation and behavioral change in water and sanitation utilities to accelerate universal access
Mr. Federico Perez Penalosa, Senior Water and Sanitation Consultant, World Bank, Albania

UMT Graduation Project: Remote measurement of water consumption by end users based on the LoRaWAN standard
Ms. Ivana Torbica, Investment, Development and Project Engineer, PU Vodovod Gradiska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Development of Aqua Monitor – a digitalisation project driven by YWP-K
Mr. Veprim Jasharaj, Senior Software Developer, YWP-K, Kosovo

Session 10
Walk the talk - Enhancing water services through effective communication & 2024 Danube Water Forum Closing

30 May,15:45 - 16:45

Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr, Senior Expert, Austria

Driving decisions through sharing data - NewIBNET's Connect and Learn Community
Ms. Ana Badhofer, Partnership and Engagement Officer, IAWD, Austria

GWP CEE Summer school – a good practice example of youth engagement and cooperation
Mr. Ionut Procop, President, GWP Romania, Romania

The young perspective - voices of the YWP co-moderators 
moderated by Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr, Senior Expert, Austria

Farewell by the hosts
Dr. Ilie Vlaicu, President, Romanian Water Association, Romania

Farewell by the hosts 
Mr. Teodor Popa, Financial Manager, APA Brasov, Romania

Closing of the 2024 Danube Water Forum
Dr. Katerina Schilling, Head of Secretariat, IAWD, Austria

Closing of the 2024 Danube Water Forum
Ms. Kathia Havens, Program Analyst, World Bank, Austria


Forum Hosts



Institutional Partners


Corporate Partners

Premium Partner




City/LocationBrasov, Romania

Start date 29 May 2024
End date 30 May 2024

Language English, Română (Romanian)
Cost € 260.00
Venue location
Contributed by Voice of the Danube