Conference / Workshop
The last mile: Rural water service delivery in the Danube region
Organizer: World Bank & ICPDR

The World Bank, under the Danube Water Program, and ICPDR have partnered together to deliver regional workshops on rural water services management in the Danube Region and implications for necessary actions to reach EU water directives compliance.

In February of 2021 a first workshop on Rural Wastewater Treatment was delivered virtually. The event page, including presentations and workshop report can be found here. Based on the success of the first workshop and continued interest in the topic, a second workshop is organized on Rural Water Services Delivery, scheduled to take place on April 17-18 in Vienna, along with a site visit in lower Austria.

The workshop will focus on issues of water service management in small rural agglomerations, with an emphasis on provision of efficient and affordable services for these types of communities. The objective is to build capacity of related government representatives and water sector professionals in the Danube region via cross-country knowledge transfer experience exchange in the field of rural water service delivery.





Start date 17 Apr 2024
End date 18 Apr 2024

Language English
Contributed by Voice of the Danube
Event Brochure (English)
Report (English)
Overview (English)
ICPDR (English)
WHO (English)
World Bank (English)
Austria (English)
Croatia (English)
Czech Republic (English)
LAC (English)