Enhancing Regional Cooperation in the Danube Basin: Stronger Together
Organizer: The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)

The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) highlights the importance of regional cooperation in addressing environmental risks, water management, emergency response and disaster management. Recent severe floods, storms, and wildfires reinforce the need for enhanced coordination and cooperation at transnational level across the region.

To address these challenges the EUSDR is organising a consultation meeting to strengthen emergency response frameworks, enhance institutional capacities, and improve disaster preparedness mechanisms within the Danube Region, while promoting the engagement of EU candidate countries in macro-regional cooperation.

The event is aligned with the fundamental principles of EU macro-regional strategies, which emphasise the importance of cross-border and trans-national cooperation, multi-level governance, and stakeholder engagement. 

For further details, please visit the event's page or have a look at the uploaded document below. 

City/LocationMostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Start date 03 Apr 2025 , 09:00 CET

Language English
WebsiteEvent link
Contributed by Voice of the Danube
Agenda (English)