IAWD - International Association of Water Service Companies in the Danube River Catchment Area

Disclosure concerning §25 Media Law

Company description: IAWD is an association of utilities and other stakeholders working in the sector in the Danube region, which is the source for the water supply of over 80 million people. IAWD´s mission is to assist utilities and their staff in their responsibility to provide a secured and well managed urban water cycle and to ensure their customers have access to water that is safe and free from hazards. For this, the water quality of the Danube and its tributaries needs to be protected for the present as well as for future Generations.

Purpose of the website: Presentation and promotion of the association, its mebers and activities. 

President: Dipl.- Ing. Walter Kling

Vice-President: Dipl.- Ing. Vladimir Taušanović

Vice-President: Dipl.-Ing. Hans Sailer



c/o Wiener Wasser
Grabnergasse 4-6
A - 1060 Wien

Register number: 438728049

Email: office@iawd.at 