31 January 2018 / Kiev, Ukraine
Successful final workshop of the Ukraine Benchmarking Hub
Contributed by:
Administrator: Katerina Schilling

The final workshop of the Ukraine Utility Benchmarking Project presenting the results of the third Benchmarking cycle took place on 17-19 January, 2018 and was organised by the Ukrainian Benchmarking Hub in close cooperation with IAWD and with support from the Danube Water Program.

The event was attended by 60 participants including representatives of 16 enterprises of the water supply and sewerage sector of Ukraine, the International Association of Water Supply Companies in the Danube River Catchment Area (IAWD, Austria), Danube Water Program (DWP, Austria), European Benchmarking Cooperation (EBC, the Netherlands), Ministry of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, Bavarian Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection (Federal Land of Bavaria), Izba Gospodarcza "Wodociągi Polskie" (Poland), the Bavarian сompanies and others. An online greetings from the World Bank representative (Austria) was also organized.

All enterprises participating in the project received an inidividual report on performance indicators for water supply and sewage management. In addition, one session of the workshop dealt with the international experience exchange between German experts and Ukrainian utilities representatives in order to find the best solutions for performance improvement according to benchmarking results.


The final seminar of the Utility Benchmarking Program in the Ukrainian Benchmarking Hub presenting the results of the third Benchmarking cycle will take place on 17-19 January, 2018. It is organised by the Ukrainian Benchmarking H...