At the XI NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe) General Assembly, held in Pristina on 14 and 15 April 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between NALAS and IAWD.
"I am happy that I was able to attend NALAS conference yesterday and learn about the challenges of local governments in the Region when it comes to investments. We are here to join actions, develop capacities and improve services to citizens", said Mr. Walter Kling on behalf of IAWD.
"In the past several years, with the support of the GIZ Open Regional Funds - Modernisation of Municipal Services, NALAS has been working intensively to improve the conditions in the water and waste water sector, supporting municipalities to provide well managed, good quality and sustainable water services to their citizens. During this process, we have met a valuable partner, IAWD, and have started an exchange of knowledge and expertise, being aware that municipalities and their integral part, the public utilities, must work closely together in improving the services and planning investments. Today, by signing the MoU, we are bringing the existing cooperation with IAWD at a next level", said Mayor Naim Ismajli, the new NALAS President.
NALAS brings together 16 associations which represent roughly 9000 local authorities, directly elected by more than 80 million citizens of this region. It promotes the process of decentralisation in cooperation with central governments and international organisations, considering local self-government as a key issue in the current process of transition affecting the various countries in the South-East Europe.
Over one hundred representatives of local governments and local government associations from SEE met in Prishtina on 14 and 15 April 2016 for the XI NALAS General Assembly and a thematic session on Increasing Municipal Investment Capacities in SEE.