See you there: The 2021 Danube Water Conference (#2021DWC) starts today. It's virtual, yet as good as live.
At 12:30 CEST, the opening session will be on. Winston Yu (World Bank), Walter Kling (IAWD) and Elisabeth Gruber (Austrian Ministry of Finance) will welcome a truly international audience and introduce opening keynote speaker Dr. Kala Vairavamoorthy, CEO of the International Water Association, who will present the needs and challenges of “Building a Resilient and Secure Water Sector”, kicking off three consecutive afternoons of two-track conference action.
Lean back in your chair, enjoy being there, and you will realize that our community has indeed come a very long way from the early days of the COVID pandemic, when we all gathered on frugal meeting platforms for crisis webinars plagued with shaky connections.
To keep you safe, the 2021 Danube Water Conference is virtual. To give you the perfect experience, it runs on Swapcard. Swapcard, the latest word in digital conference platforms, offers you the best of all worlds, combining all the great features of advanced videoconferencing platforms with social media approaches to personalizing and customizing.
Create your personal profile for easy networking with participants, panelists, and exhibitors. Customize your Danube Water Conference schedule. Pick and choose the most relevant topics from an exciting two-track conference program covering water security and water supply/sanitation services. Enjoy short, crisp sessions in a wide variety of engaging “almost live” session formats. Follow both tracks of the conference using the session videos and daily reports. Engage with exhibitors or sit down with colleagues in the virtual space for safe 1-on-1 networking. Stop by at the virtual photo booth and take your conference portrait. Follow the event on social media: #2021DWC. In short, enjoy a closer to “live” experience than ever since the beginning of the COVID crisis.
Welcome to 2021 Danube Water Conference. It's about the future. It's about us. It's about you.
The 2021 Danube Water Conference “Building a Resilient and Water Secure Danube Region” will be convened on October 18-20 followed by Business Meetings on October 21 (by invitation only)....