14 February 2022 / Vienna, Austria
New DWP KnowNow Webinar “The Rising Cost of Inaction”. Learn How the Energy Crisis Impacts the Water Service Sector in the Danube Region
Contributed by:
Voice of the Danube

Sometimes austerity comes with an unforeseen price tag: Increasing energy tariffs hit the water sector everywhere in the region, but they are especially painful for utilities that have not yet invested in improved energy efficiency. The first KnowNow webinar in 2022 explores how rising energy costs impact water services in the Danube region, and how utilities can and should respond.

Last year, the Danube Water Program introduced the “KnowNow” webinar series on relevant topics for the water sector in the Danube region. Building on experiences with online formats during the DWP's COVID crisis response, these webinars meet the information needs of water policy makers and regulators, water utility managers, water sector professionals, researchers and interested stakeholders.

Enthusiastic response from a truly international audience has encouraged the organizers to continue the format in 2022. The first KnowNow webinar in 2022 will deal with the current rise in energy tariffs. The water sector hurts, because electricity costs for water production, distribution, and treatment contribute between 33% and a whopping 82% of the non-labor operating costs of water and wastewater utilities in many countries of the region. This winter's price explosion adds extra weight to the golden rule that for most urban water and wastewater utilities, investments in energy efficiency promise the highest returns by far.

Learn more about the benefits of improving energy efficiency in water and wastewater utilities, and how the recent energy tariff increase affects the water services in the Danube region. Post questions to panelist Kristoffer Welsien, World Bank, Sokol Xhafa, Acting CEO of the Regional Water Company in Pristina, Christian Hasenleithner, General Manager of Energie AG Bohemia, and Vesna Muslic, D-LeaP Committee Council Chair and President of the AQUASAN Network.

Learn from the knowledge developed and experiences gained for potential follow-up action under individual specific circumstances. The webinar starts on 2 March at 13:30 CET and is scheduled for 75 compact minutes.

Attendance is free of charge. Just save the date, follow the link below and make your online registration here and now. Welcome – and thank you for your interest!  

VoD - The Rising Cost of Inaction: How the Energy Crisis Impacts the Water Service Sector in the Danube Region

The Danube Water Program “KnowNow” webinar series focuses on up-to-date topics relevant for the water sector in the Danube region. This webinar will focus on the water sector’s response to the recent increases in energy tari...