Pre-Christmas Vienna is a great background for celebrations. Last week saw an extra special occasion: The first Utility Management Training class ever gathered in the Austrian Capital for the final module of their curriculum, crossing the finish line of a very rewarding two-year capacity building drive.
Introduced in 2020, the Danube Learning Partnership's Utility Management Training course aims to equip current and future water-sector managers with tools and techniques to support their decision-making, covering the whole spectrum of utility management in a series of single-topic modules which add up to cover the full spectrum of management and operational skills that qualify utility managers of the future.
Building on the proven D-LeaP programs, and in with support from leading utilities in Central and Eastern Europe, UMT teaches the methodology of the Utility of the Future (UoF) program derived by institutional partner World Bank.
Last week the first UMT class ever gathered in Vienna for the final module of their course, the residential training week “Water Safety Planning and Business Continuity Management”. Led by Christian Plohberger of protectum solutions, 15 participants went through a three-day core training at the IAWD headquarter, learning about risk management and crisis management techniques, accompanied by real-life trainings.
The rest of the week was spent with visits to s::can, a producer of digital water monitoring equipment, and Vienna Water's infrastructure, including the control room, the UV disinfection and well system, and the Vienna waste water treatment plant.
Exchanges with Vienna Water, Vienna's Technical and Life Science Universities, Siemens and stakeholder associations rounded off the module.
The program found keen interest beyond the core participants: Representatives of the Bulgarian UMT competemnce partners Hydrolia, HTI and Quibiqo joined the excusions.
Discussions and knowledge exchanges were lively, and the organizers gathered valuable feedback that will help to further adapt the next UMT course to practical needs.
We congratulate the UMT pioneers who received their Certificate of Participation during a social event on Wednesday, and we encourage water professionals with an interest in a career-boosting training to turn to Voice of the Danube for information on next year's new UMT. Registration is already open, and it is a good idea to move fast.