02 November 2023 / Vienna, Austria
All About the Money: D-LeaP “Access to Financing” Training of Trainers
Contributed by:
Voice of the Danube

Only financially sustainable utilities can provide future-proof, sustainable services. Which is why the Danube Learning Partnership has lately introduced an “Access to Financing” training program. Faced with considerable demand, D-LeaP is now turning out the necessary trainers.

From 23 to 27 October, selected candidates from Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania gathered in Podgorica, Montenegro for a five-day intensive Training of Trainers.

All participants have been carefully selected by their national utility associations and subsequent invitation from IAWD. Most brought a background in economic and financial management. All were dedicated professionals with long experience gathered in water utilities, municipalities and/or private consulting firms.

They sat down for a highly interactive training program with Una Consulting trainers Sandi Zulicc, Ines Delic, and Marijan Dujmovic, gathering the skills that qualify them to hold “Access to Finance” trainings for utilities and municipalities.

A rich program of presentations, case studies and group exercises covered utility finances from every angle, including, but not stopping at adequate ratios and indicators to evaluate operational performance effective revenue manage revenues to cover costs, dimensions of financial sustainability and creditworthiness and sources of future funding.

“Access to Financing” is a recently introduced D-LeaP program, initially developed by the World Bank and successfully implemented in a first test run in Bosna and Herzegowina by AQUASAN Network.

Organized with financial support from the Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership, the Regional Capacity Development Network RCDN and D-LeaP, the Podgorica Training of Trainers week was an important step towards a region-wide rollout scheduled for next year.

Stay tuned for the first training opportunities in 2024!