10 February 2025 / Sliven, Bulgaria
Utility Benchmarking Program: The Bulgarian Hub Reports from its Annual Meeting
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Voice of the Danube

In late January the UBP Bulgarian Hub operated by IAWD member Bulgarian Water Association convened in Sliven, Bulgaria, for its annual two-day meeting and to conclude the 2023 data cycle. A number of distinguished guests and speakers including representatives from the Bulgarian Water Association, regulating authorities, regional politics and international partner organizations proved the importance of the Utility Benchmarking Program.

Beyond the talks and presentations, the event schedule included teambuilding exercises, a social dinner and a field trip to the Sliven wastewater treatment plant.

IAWD's Benchmarking and Partnerships Manager Ana Badhofer held a presentation on behalf of the Danube Hub, setting the scene and throwing a spotlight on IAWD's mission, the advantages of a membership, and the D-LeaP capacity building approach.

The core of Ms. Badhofer's presentation was a regional analysis conducted by UBP Danube Hub Coordinator Aleksandar Krstic to showcase regional benchmarking under the Danube Hub and its potential for Bulgarian utilities which, until now, are mainly engaged in benchmarking on the national level.

Taking a deep dive on non-revenue water indicators, the presentation highlighted room for improvement for some indicators and data quality, an opportunity to find new solutions through transnational cooperation, and valuable expertise hidden at some Bulgarian utilities that would be worth sharing with others.